

Contact Us

Email us using the subject line that best matches your request, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

To talk with a specialist, dial 2-1-1 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Once connected to Specialist, information about any programs or services that you discuss can be sent via email at the end of the conversation. Please be aware that 2-1-1 does experience higher call volume and potentially longer wait times on Mondays. 

Send us a 2-1-1 Materials Request if you'd like 2-1-1 brochures, wallet cards, rack cards or other printed information about our service.

Submit a Tour Request to schedule a guided visit to 2-1-1's help center for yourself or members of your organization.

Or put in a Speaker Request if you'd like one or more of our staff to give a talk at your office.

To alert our Community Resource Content Specialists about new agencies or services (or changes to existing ones), send a Community Resource Update.

Click here to open an online chat Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm.